Devoted to the pursuit of chess excellence, our Sunday Junior Class aims to equip novice players with the analytical tools necessary to understand all stages of the game.
This class is open to junior players aged 14 and younger who have a rating in the range of 400-1200, possess basic chess skills and want to improve their game.

SCHEDULE The class meets each Sunday from 9-11:00 am and will be divided into two sessions:
    (A) 9:00-10:00am
    (B) 10:00-11:00am
REGISTRATION The fee for attending one or both sections is $30.00. Marshall Chess Club members receive a $10.00 discount on each class.


At Club Class

The Marshall Chess Club is proud to offer this in-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play. Class are held Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm.

This class is taught by Tamar Chanadiri.

The fee for attending the class is $25.00 for members and $30.00 for nonmembers.