Event Registration


==== NEW ====

Due to the extreme crowding on weekends, beginning this month during our three day weekend tournaments, which would be the Marshall Premier (2/7-2/9) and the Monthly U2400 (2/21-2/23), all non-members (including parents and coaches) will only be permitted in the building to help a child settle in to their game 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each round. Non-members are not permitted in the building any earlier.

Once a child is settled in and the round has started, we ask that all non-members (including parents and coaches) leave the building within 10 minutes after that round has started. Non-members should not proceed to the skittles room or linger in the hallway subsequently. Non-members may not re-enter the building until 15 minutes prior to the next round. If a child needs to be picked up by parents at any time (withdrawal from tournament, final round of the day, etc.), the child may call the parent themselves after their game ends or from the TD office with staff assistance.

We also highly encourage you to fill out our pairings text form: Text Pairings and results text form Result Posted notification so you can know who your child is playing as soon as the pairings go live on our website and later receive a result text when your child's game has concluded.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you would like to participate in a FIDE-rated event and you do not have a FIDE ID, please click here and complete the form.
We will apply for a FIDE ID for you free of charge.

All requests for byes must be made when registering for a tournament or by a subsequent email to td@marshallchessclub.org at least one hour in advance of the start of the round. Requests are not completed until a confirmation email is received from a Marshall TD.

Requests for byes after a tournament has started will no longer be accepted by phone or in person.

Please refer to our Tournament Policy for further details.

As the club tends to get crowded, we kindly ask that you not sit on the stairs or block any of the hallways. We would also like to request that children be accompanied by only one parent or chaperone.

Thank you for your understanding!

If you have any question, please email: td@marshallchessclub.org



Registration for all online classes and tournaments ends 60 minutes prior to the start of the event. Online events are nonrefundable, unless the event is cancelled.

All online events require Zoom. Online tournaments additionally require a chess.com account. Shortly after registration is closed, registered participants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting ID and (for tournaments) the chess.com links necessary to play. Players who are late to enter chess.com for their tournament will miss the event and will not be refunded.

Tournaments Only
Classes/Workshops Only

Time Control
Lowest Section

DateEventTimeLowest section
Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13THURSDAY OPEN - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10IM Silas Lund Complex Endgames - Online

Entry fee: $100; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Complex endgames are endgames with at least 2 pieces, with elements of the middlegame, and where difficult decisions still need to be made in terms of exchanges and pawn advances, before the position settles into something more familiar in terms of basic or technical endgames. We analyze games from participants, if submitted. Hand in at least 3 days before the day of class. Otherwise, we will analyze interesting endgames from chess history. This is a online class! Classes are recorded and video can be shared in case the participants have to miss out on a Monday.
Rounds: 7-8pm for 5 mondays

Entry List

Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall FIDE Monday - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
Open to players 1700+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U2000: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall Monday U1800 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $200-150-100; U1500: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1800
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U2200 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
Open to players 1500+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U1800: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2200
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U1600 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Members only
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $250-150-100; U1300: $100.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1600
Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4IM Silas Lund Author Talk and Book Signing - At Club

Entry fee: $0; Members only
Checkmate Quiz 1-3: new book series by IM Silas Esben Lund Lecture and book sale on February 4, 2025 This chess book series deals with 61 checkmates with names and their origins. Solve the quizzes on 5 levels from 500 years of chess history, and score extra points by connecting the names from a list to the correct positions. The quizzes are perfect for scholastic chess classes and on club evenings, where players can compete alone or in groups.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4Adult Class - At Club

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM School Intermediate Class - Online

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 6Afternoon G50s - At Club

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE OPEN - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $100; Members only
First 5 GMs or IMs Free. FIDE Rated. Only open to players with a current published rating 2000+ (USCF or FIDE); No exceptions.
Prizes: ($1,500 b/30) $800-450. U2200: $250; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE U2000 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE rated
Prizes: ($1,125 b/30): $500-200; U1750: $150, U1500: $150, U1300: $125; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2000
Feb 8U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 8Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 13Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/3 +2none
Feb 14WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: 0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 15SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1800
Feb 15U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 15Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 16Adults Only Tournament - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Adults 21+, Two Sections:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1800: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1400: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1600

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17, 18, 19, 20, 21Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Presidents' Day Action! - At Club!

6-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Prizes: ($750 b/30): $250-150-50; U2300, U2000, U1700: $100.
Rounds: 11am-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Open to players rated 2000+. FIDE Rapid rated.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND! : ($900 B/30): $400-$275-$125; U2200: $100.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30 pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 18UNRATED GAMES - At Club!

2 Games, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Pairings Based on ratings to try to get balanced games, Adults paired with adults; kids with kids, to the extent possible, Players can also request specific pairings prior to each game
Prizes: No Prizes
Rounds: 6 pm and 8 pm (students from Adult Class and Djurabek’s classes can join for the second round, no entry fee)
One bye available.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 20Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27THURSDAY OPEN - At Club!

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 20Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 21Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 21Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 21FRIDAY RAPID - At Club!

4-SS, G/15 +10
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
USCF Rapid Rated
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2100/unr, U1900, U1700, U1500: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/15 +10none
Feb 21, 22, 23MONTHLY FIDE U2400 & U1800 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE Rated. Open to players rated below 2400 USCF. Rating floor for U2400 section is 1700.
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U2100: $150; U1900: $150
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U1600: $150; U1400: $150
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30U1800
Feb 22U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5U2000
Feb 22Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM Brewington Hardaway Simul - At Club!

Entry fee: $75; Members only
Join us in celebration of Black History Month for a simul with GM Brewington Hardaway American chess prodigy, and grandmaster-elect! Open to players under 2100
Prizes: Special prizes for wins and draws!
Reception at 5pm with pizza and refreshments followed by a 20 minute Q&A at 6pm. The simul will start at 6:30pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 27Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/3 +2none
Mar 1SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5U1800
Mar 2Sunday Quads - At Club!

3-RR; 3-SS for Small Swiss, G/60; d10
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: $50 prize to each winner.
Rounds: 12:30pm, 3pm, 5:30pm
No byes allowed; $25 Forfeit fee charged for dropping out before the completion of the tournament.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/60; d10none
Mar 31Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14, 15, 16, 17, 18Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 15Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 16Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

May 26Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 5Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 6Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

DateEventTimeLowest section
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10IM Silas Lund Complex Endgames - Online

Entry fee: $100; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Complex endgames are endgames with at least 2 pieces, with elements of the middlegame, and where difficult decisions still need to be made in terms of exchanges and pawn advances, before the position settles into something more familiar in terms of basic or technical endgames. We analyze games from participants, if submitted. Hand in at least 3 days before the day of class. Otherwise, we will analyze interesting endgames from chess history. This is a online class! Classes are recorded and video can be shared in case the participants have to miss out on a Monday.
Rounds: 7-8pm for 5 mondays

Entry List

Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 20Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 21Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Mar 31Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 15Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 16Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

May 26Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 5Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 6Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17, 18, 19, 20, 21Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14, 15, 16, 17, 18Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4IM Silas Lund Author Talk and Book Signing - At Club

Entry fee: $0; Members only
Checkmate Quiz 1-3: new book series by IM Silas Esben Lund Lecture and book sale on February 4, 2025 This chess book series deals with 61 checkmates with names and their origins. Solve the quizzes on 5 levels from 500 years of chess history, and score extra points by connecting the names from a list to the correct positions. The quizzes are perfect for scholastic chess classes and on club evenings, where players can compete alone or in groups.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM Brewington Hardaway Simul - At Club!

Entry fee: $75; Members only
Join us in celebration of Black History Month for a simul with GM Brewington Hardaway American chess prodigy, and grandmaster-elect! Open to players under 2100
Prizes: Special prizes for wins and draws!
Reception at 5pm with pizza and refreshments followed by a 20 minute Q&A at 6pm. The simul will start at 6:30pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4Adult Class - At Club

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM School Intermediate Class - Online

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Mar 2Sunday Quads - At Club!

3-RR; 3-SS for Small Swiss, G/60; d10
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: $50 prize to each winner.
Rounds: 12:30pm, 3pm, 5:30pm
No byes allowed; $25 Forfeit fee charged for dropping out before the completion of the tournament.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/60; d10none
Feb 14$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/3 +2none
Feb 28$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/3 +2none
Feb 21FRIDAY RAPID - At Club!

4-SS, G/15 +10
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
USCF Rapid Rated
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2100/unr, U1900, U1700, U1500: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/15 +10none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 8U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 8Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: 0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 15U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 15Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 17Marshall Presidents' Day Action! - At Club!

6-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Prizes: ($750 b/30): $250-150-50; U2300, U2000, U1700: $100.
Rounds: 11am-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Open to players rated 2000+. FIDE Rapid rated.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND! : ($900 B/30): $400-$275-$125; U2200: $100.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30 pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 21Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 22U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5U2000
Feb 22Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 6Afternoon G50s - At Club

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none
Feb 13Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none
Feb 15SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1800
Feb 16Adults Only Tournament - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Adults 21+, Two Sections:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1800: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1400: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1600
Feb 18UNRATED GAMES - At Club!

2 Games, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Pairings Based on ratings to try to get balanced games, Adults paired with adults; kids with kids, to the extent possible, Players can also request specific pairings prior to each game
Prizes: No Prizes
Rounds: 6 pm and 8 pm (students from Adult Class and Djurabek’s classes can join for the second round, no entry fee)
One bye available.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 20Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 27Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Mar 1SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5U1800
Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13THURSDAY OPEN - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall FIDE Monday - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
Open to players 1700+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U2000: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall Monday U1800 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $200-150-100; U1500: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1800
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U2200 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
Open to players 1500+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U1800: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2200
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U1600 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Members only
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $250-150-100; U1300: $100.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1600
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE OPEN - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $100; Members only
First 5 GMs or IMs Free. FIDE Rated. Only open to players with a current published rating 2000+ (USCF or FIDE); No exceptions.
Prizes: ($1,500 b/30) $800-450. U2200: $250; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE U2000 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE rated
Prizes: ($1,125 b/30): $500-200; U1750: $150, U1500: $150, U1300: $125; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2000
Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27THURSDAY OPEN - At Club!

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30none
Feb 21, 22, 23MONTHLY FIDE U2400 & U1800 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE Rated. Open to players rated below 2400 USCF. Rating floor for U2400 section is 1700.
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U2100: $150; U1900: $150
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U1600: $150; U1400: $150
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30U1800
DateEventTimeLowest section
Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U1600 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Members only
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $250-150-100; U1300: $100.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1600
Feb 16Adults Only Tournament - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Adults 21+, Two Sections:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1800: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1400: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1600
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall Monday U1800 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $200-150-100; U1500: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1800
Feb 15SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1800
Feb 21, 22, 23MONTHLY FIDE U2400 & U1800 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE Rated. Open to players rated below 2400 USCF. Rating floor for U2400 section is 1700.
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U2100: $150; U1900: $150
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U1600: $150; U1400: $150
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30U1800
Mar 1SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5U1800
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE U2000 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE rated
Prizes: ($1,125 b/30): $500-200; U1750: $150, U1500: $150, U1300: $125; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2000
Feb 8U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 15U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 22U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5U2000
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U2200 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
Open to players 1500+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U1800: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2200
Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13THURSDAY OPEN - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall FIDE Monday - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
Open to players 1700+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U2000: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10IM Silas Lund Complex Endgames - Online

Entry fee: $100; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Complex endgames are endgames with at least 2 pieces, with elements of the middlegame, and where difficult decisions still need to be made in terms of exchanges and pawn advances, before the position settles into something more familiar in terms of basic or technical endgames. We analyze games from participants, if submitted. Hand in at least 3 days before the day of class. Otherwise, we will analyze interesting endgames from chess history. This is a online class! Classes are recorded and video can be shared in case the participants have to miss out on a Monday.
Rounds: 7-8pm for 5 mondays

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 20Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 21Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Mar 31Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 15Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 16Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

May 26Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 5Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 6Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17, 18, 19, 20, 21Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14, 15, 16, 17, 18Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4IM Silas Lund Author Talk and Book Signing - At Club

Entry fee: $0; Members only
Checkmate Quiz 1-3: new book series by IM Silas Esben Lund Lecture and book sale on February 4, 2025 This chess book series deals with 61 checkmates with names and their origins. Solve the quizzes on 5 levels from 500 years of chess history, and score extra points by connecting the names from a list to the correct positions. The quizzes are perfect for scholastic chess classes and on club evenings, where players can compete alone or in groups.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM Brewington Hardaway Simul - At Club!

Entry fee: $75; Members only
Join us in celebration of Black History Month for a simul with GM Brewington Hardaway American chess prodigy, and grandmaster-elect! Open to players under 2100
Prizes: Special prizes for wins and draws!
Reception at 5pm with pizza and refreshments followed by a 20 minute Q&A at 6pm. The simul will start at 6:30pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4Adult Class - At Club

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM School Intermediate Class - Online

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 6Afternoon G50s - At Club

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE OPEN - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $100; Members only
First 5 GMs or IMs Free. FIDE Rated. Only open to players with a current published rating 2000+ (USCF or FIDE); No exceptions.
Prizes: ($1,500 b/30) $800-450. U2200: $250; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Feb 8Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 13Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/3 +2none
Feb 14WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: 0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 15Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Presidents' Day Action! - At Club!

6-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Prizes: ($750 b/30): $250-150-50; U2300, U2000, U1700: $100.
Rounds: 11am-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 18Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Open to players rated 2000+. FIDE Rapid rated.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND! : ($900 B/30): $400-$275-$125; U2200: $100.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30 pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 18UNRATED GAMES - At Club!

2 Games, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Pairings Based on ratings to try to get balanced games, Adults paired with adults; kids with kids, to the extent possible, Players can also request specific pairings prior to each game
Prizes: No Prizes
Rounds: 6 pm and 8 pm (students from Adult Class and Djurabek’s classes can join for the second round, no entry fee)
One bye available.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27THURSDAY OPEN - At Club!

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 20Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 21Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 21FRIDAY RAPID - At Club!

4-SS, G/15 +10
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
USCF Rapid Rated
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2100/unr, U1900, U1700, U1500: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/15 +10none
Feb 22Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 27Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/3 +2none
Mar 2Sunday Quads - At Club!

3-RR; 3-SS for Small Swiss, G/60; d10
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: $50 prize to each winner.
Rounds: 12:30pm, 3pm, 5:30pm
No byes allowed; $25 Forfeit fee charged for dropping out before the completion of the tournament.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/60; d10none
DateEventTimeLowest section
Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13THURSDAY OPEN - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10IM Silas Lund Complex Endgames - Online

Entry fee: $100; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Complex endgames are endgames with at least 2 pieces, with elements of the middlegame, and where difficult decisions still need to be made in terms of exchanges and pawn advances, before the position settles into something more familiar in terms of basic or technical endgames. We analyze games from participants, if submitted. Hand in at least 3 days before the day of class. Otherwise, we will analyze interesting endgames from chess history. This is a online class! Classes are recorded and video can be shared in case the participants have to miss out on a Monday.
Rounds: 7-8pm for 5 mondays

Entry List

Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall FIDE Monday - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
Open to players 1700+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U2000: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3Marshall Monday U1800 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $200-150-100; U1500: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Mon.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1800
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U2200 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
Open to players 1500+; FIDE Rated.
Prizes: ($750 b/30) $300-200-100; U1800: $100-50.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2200
Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5WEEKLY U1600 - At Club

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $40; Members only
Prizes: ($600 b/30) $250-150-100; U1300: $100.
Rounds: 7pm each Wed.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U1600
Feb 6Afternoon G50s - At Club

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE OPEN - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $100; Members only
First 5 GMs or IMs Free. FIDE Rated. Only open to players with a current published rating 2000+ (USCF or FIDE); No exceptions.
Prizes: ($1,500 b/30) $800-450. U2200: $250; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30none
Feb 7, 8, 9Marshall PREMIER FIDE U2000 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE rated
Prizes: ($1,125 b/30): $500-200; U1750: $150, U1500: $150, U1300: $125; Cross Section Mixed Doubles $200 (highest combined score of male/female team. Teams must declare prior to the start of round 2 and may consist of players from the Open and/or U2000 sections. Prize is split $100 to each player).
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/90 +30U2000
Feb 8U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 8Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 13Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 14$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/3 +2none
Feb 14WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: 0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 15SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1800
Feb 15U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5U2000
Feb 15Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 16Adults Only Tournament - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Adults 21+, Two Sections:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1800: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1400: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/45 d5U1600

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none
Feb 17Marshall Presidents' Day Action! - At Club!

6-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $50; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Prizes: ($750 b/30): $250-150-50; U2300, U2000, U1700: $100.
Rounds: 11am-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

G/25 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $40; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
Open to players rated 2000+. FIDE Rapid rated.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND! : ($900 B/30): $400-$275-$125; U2200: $100.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30 pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 18UNRATED GAMES - At Club!

2 Games, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Pairings Based on ratings to try to get balanced games, Adults paired with adults; kids with kids, to the extent possible, Players can also request specific pairings prior to each game
Prizes: No Prizes
Rounds: 6 pm and 8 pm (students from Adult Class and Djurabek’s classes can join for the second round, no entry fee)
One bye available.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27THURSDAY OPEN - At Club!

6-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $50; Members only
GMs Free
FIDE Rated. Thursday Open Grand Prix! The winner of each Thursday night open (including ties) receives 3 points, second place receives 2 points and third place receives 1 point. The player with the most points through the last tournament ending before the Club Championship receives a free entry into the Championship. Must be a Club member to qualify.
Prizes: ENHANCED PRIZE FUND ($1000 b/25) $500-200-100; U1800: $100-50; U1600 $50
Rounds: 7pm each Thurs.
Max two byes; request by Rd 4.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 20Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none
Feb 21Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 21FRIDAY RAPID - At Club!

4-SS, G/15 +10
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
USCF Rapid Rated
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2100/unr, U1900, U1700, U1500: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/15 +10none
Feb 21, 22, 23MONTHLY FIDE U2400 & U1800 - At Club!

5-SS, G/90 +30
Entry fee: $75; Members only
FIDE Rated. Open to players rated below 2400 USCF. Rating floor for U2400 section is 1700.
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U2100: $150; U1900: $150
($1125 b/30): $500-200-125; U1600: $150; U1400: $150
Rounds: Fri: 7pm, Sat & Sun: 12:30 & 5:30pm.
Max two byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/90 +30U1800
Feb 22U2000 MORNING ACTION - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $125-50; U1500: $75.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5U2000
Feb 22Morning Masters - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
GMs Free
Open to Players 2000+
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
Only open to players without a rating or rated U1200.
Prizes: ($250 b/20): $150-100.
Rounds: Begin at 9am & continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 27Afternoon G50s - At Club!

2-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $10; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: $15 to each player with a score of 2.0. Special monthly prize of $50 to the player with the most total points over the month.
Rounds: 2PM and 4PM
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5none

4-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $150-100-75; U2200, U1900: $75; Biggest upset: $25.
Rounds: 7-8:10-9:20-10:30pm.
Max one bye, for Rd 1 or 4 only; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28WOMEN & GIRLS' OPEN - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $0; Non-MCC Member: Additional 0 fee.
GMs Free
Limited to female players. Non-members welcome!
Prizes: ($225 b/25): $150-75.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
No byes.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28Afternoon Action - At Club!

3-SS, G/25 d5
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
The TD may split the tournament into 2 sections to balance out ratings at their discretion. USCF rated
Prizes: ($125 b/10): $75-50
Rounds: 2PM and continue ASAP
One bye, request at entry
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/25 d5none
Feb 28$500 FIDE BLITZ - At Club!

9-SS, G/3 +2
Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $25 fee.
GMs Free
FIDE Blitz rated. USCF Blitz ratings (when possible) used for pairings & prizes.
Prizes: ($500 b/40): $200-100; U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50.
Rounds: Begin at 7pm and continue ASAP.
Max three byes; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/3 +2none
Mar 1SATURDAY G/50 (OPEN & U1800) - At Club!

4-SS, G/45 d5
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Two Sections, Rating Floor for Open is 1700:
($325 b/25): $150-100; U2000: $75.
($325 b/25): $150-100; U1600: $75.
Rounds: 12:30-2:30-4:30-6:30pm.
Max one bye; request at entry.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/45 d5U1800
Mar 2Sunday Quads - At Club!

3-RR; 3-SS for Small Swiss, G/60; d10
Entry fee: $25; Members only
GMs Free
Prizes: $50 prize to each winner.
Rounds: 12:30pm, 3pm, 5:30pm
No byes allowed; $25 Forfeit fee charged for dropping out before the completion of the tournament.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Registration opens 10 days before event
G/60; d10none
DateEventTimeLowest section
Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4IM Silas Lund Author Talk and Book Signing - At Club

Entry fee: $0; Members only
Checkmate Quiz 1-3: new book series by IM Silas Esben Lund Lecture and book sale on February 4, 2025 This chess book series deals with 61 checkmates with names and their origins. Solve the quizzes on 5 levels from 500 years of chess history, and score extra points by connecting the names from a list to the correct positions. The quizzes are perfect for scholastic chess classes and on club evenings, where players can compete alone or in groups.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4Adult Class - At Club

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 4GM School Intermediate Class - Online

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1000-1500 Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $30; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 4:45-5:45 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM Djurabek Khamrakulov 1500+ Winter Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Join Club Champion, GM Djurabek Khamrakulov, for a course tailored to your skill level. In this class, you'll get personal, focused, and hands-on instruction designed to take your game to the next level. Classes are best experienced cumulatively, but can be joined on a per-session basis
The class is held from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 11GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 17, 18, 19, 20, 21Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 18GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Feb 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 20Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 21Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List


Entry fee: $20; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. This class is geared for scholastic players who have recently started playing in tournaments; rating ~400-1200.
9- 11:00am
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM Brewington Hardaway Simul - At Club!

Entry fee: $75; Members only
Join us in celebration of Black History Month for a simul with GM Brewington Hardaway American chess prodigy, and grandmaster-elect! Open to players under 2100
Prizes: Special prizes for wins and draws!
Reception at 5pm with pizza and refreshments followed by a 20 minute Q&A at 6pm. The simul will start at 6:30pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25Adult Class - At Club!

Entry fee: $25; Non-MCC Member: Additional $10 fee.
Instructor Tamar Chanadiri. In-person class for adult 'beginner' chess players. This class is perfect for unrated players (or novice tournament players) who have a basic understanding of the game. Instruction will be followed by casual play.
The class is held from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Feb 25GM School Intermediate Class - Online!

Entry fee: $45; Non-MCC Member: Additional $5 fee.
Instructor GM Irina Krush. Zoom required. For young players rated 1000-1400 who are serious about improving.
The class is held from 5:00-6:30 pm.

Entry List

Mar 31Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 14, 15, 16, 17, 18Marshall Chess Camps Weekly Package - At Club!

Entry fee: $619; Non-MCC Member: Additional $75 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 15Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 16Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 17Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Apr 18Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

May 26Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 5Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 6Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List

Jun 19Marshall Chess Camps - At Club!

Entry fee: $130; Non-MCC Member: Additional $15 fee.
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the strategic world of chess? Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, if you are looking to refine your skills, our Chess Classes are designed for players of all ages and backgrounds! For more information, click here
For full schedule, click here
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.

Entry List
